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Educational resources that boost metacognition & nurture self-regulated learning in schools!
Three Metacognition Activities to Try With Your Students Today...
Download these FREE activities today and enhance your students' metacognitive powers!
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Metacognition & Self-Regulated Learning for Exam Success: Five Tips for Teachers
Five ways to use metacognition & self-regulated learning to help your students succeed in their exams...
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The Metacognitive Checklist: How Good is Your School's Metacognition Provision?
The following checklist is a simple way of analysing and evaluating your school's strengths and weaknesses in terms of metacognition. If...
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How Philosophy in Schools Boosts Metacognition & Learning-Power
Teaching Philosophy in your school can boost learning-power and metacognitive awareness in some unexpected ways...
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Meditation, Mindfulness & Metacognition
Mindfulness and meditation are central metacognitive skills due to their emphasis on introspection and awareness of psychological processes.
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Emotions & Metacognition
No school's metacognition provisions are complete unless they foster emotional awareness, reflection and insight...
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What is Metacognition?
Metacognition means 'thinking deeply about learning'. Metacognition has two main goals: knowledge of cognition and regulation of cognition.
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Why is Metacognition Important?
Here are our top ten reasons for developing metacognition in your students...
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