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Metacognition in The British Education System: A Brief Literature Review Summary for Educators

Writer: Global MetacognitionGlobal Metacognition

This article provides a summary of key insights from the work of Perry, J., Lundie, D., and Golder, G. (2018), titled Metacognition in Schools: What Does the Literature Suggest About the Effectiveness of Teaching Metacognition in Schools? published in Educational Review. The original study synthesises a wealth of research to explore how metacognitive strategies influence learning outcomes, particularly in classroom settings. Drawing on an extensive literature review, Perry and colleagues examine the academic benefits of metacognition, its impact on various student groups, and its potential to enhance motivation and wellbeing. Their work also highlights the importance of embedding metacognitive practices across the curriculum and reflects on the implications for education policy, school leadership, and teacher training. This summary aims to distil their findings into a practical and accessible guide for teachers and educational leaders, focusing on the relevance of metacognition to improving teaching and learning in schools.


A Practical Guide to Metacognition for Teachers and Educational Leaders

Metacognition, or "thinking about thinking," has its roots in the work of John Flavell (1979), who expanded on ideas from Vygotsky (1978) like the Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD). Initially, metacognition was a concept mainly explored in psychology, but its relevance in education quickly became apparent. Studies consistently show that children with strong metacognitive skills tend to excel academically compared to their peers with less developed skills. However, in England, despite its potential, metacognition hasn’t been a central focus of national education policy or accountability measures, which might explain why it hasn’t been widely adopted in schools.

Metacognition and School Programmes

Several educational programmes aimed at boosting metacognition have been created over the years. Examples include Cognitive Acceleration from King’s College London, the Somerset Thinking Skills Course, and Building Learning Power. While these initiatives date back to the 1980s and 1990s, they never fully caught on in schools. A significant reason for this is that metacognition isn’t explicitly included in the National Curriculum or inspection frameworks, leading school leaders to prioritise mandated or measured strategies.

Interestingly, during the 2000s, the Labour government introduced the Personal, Learning, and Thinking Skills (PLTS) framework. This encouraged schools to develop six core skills, such as independent enquiry and creative thinking, aiming to prepare students for the workplace. Unfortunately, this initiative was sidelined by the Coalition Government in 2011. Even though elements of the framework survived in apprenticeships, it never became a widespread practice in schools.

Lessons from High-Performing Education Systems

In contrast, countries like Finland, Hong Kong, and Shanghai, which regularly top international education rankings, actively integrate metacognitive strategies into their curricula. For instance, Finland emphasises thinking skills across subjects, while Shanghai uses "Design Thinking" to foster creativity in problem-solving. These countries show that metacognition can enhance academic performance and prepare students for real-world challenges. This begs the question: why hasn’t England followed suit despite its willingness to adopt other international practices, like Shanghai Maths?

The Evidence for Metacognition

Research shows that metacognition significantly impacts learning. The Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) highlights that metacognitive strategies can accelerate a student’s progress by around eight months, making it one of the most effective teaching strategies. This is particularly true for subjects like maths and science, although evidence suggests benefits across the curriculum. The key is embedding metacognitive practices into everyday teaching rather than treating them as standalone lessons.

Practical Classroom Strategies

Teachers can integrate metacognition into their practice in several ways:

  1. Modelling Thinking: Share your thought processes when solving problems to help students understand how to approach tasks strategically.

  2. Encouraging Reflection: Ask students to evaluate their learning processes—what worked, what didn’t, and how they could improve.

  3. Group Work: Use collaborative tasks to teach students how to think critically and solve problems together.

  4. Assessment for Learning (AfL): Combine metacognitive strategies with AfL techniques like effective questioning and feedback to maximise impact.

Leadership and Teacher Training

School leaders play a crucial role in embedding metacognition. Research shows that strong leadership significantly influences student outcomes. Leaders can champion metacognitive approaches by fostering a culture of reflective teaching and providing ongoing professional development opportunities. For new teachers, initial training should emphasise the value of metacognition and practical ways to implement it.

The Future of Metacognition in Schools

Despite the clear benefits, the English education system currently overlooks metacognition in policy and curricula. This presents an opportunity for educators to take the lead. Schools can develop whole-school approaches to metacognition, supported by professional development for teachers and leaders. Tools to measure the impact of these strategies in the classroom are also urgently needed, ensuring that practices are evidence-informed and effective.

Recommendations for Action

  1. Embed Metacognition in the Curriculum: Develop strategies to integrate metacognitive skills into teaching across all subjects and key stages.

  2. Support Leadership: Equip school leaders with the knowledge and tools to promote metacognitive practices.

  3. Enhance Teacher Training: Ensure metacognition is a core element of teacher education and ongoing professional development.

  4. Develop Measurement Tools: Create accessible ways for teachers to track the impact of metacognitive strategies in their classrooms.

By embracing metacognition, schools can empower students to become confident, independent learners. This not only boosts academic outcomes but also equips young people with the skills they need to thrive in an ever-changing world. It’s time for educators to champion this evidence-based approach and lead the way in transforming teaching and learning.


Main Reference

Perry, J., Lundie, D., & Golder, G. (2018). Metacognition in schools: what does the literature suggest about the effectiveness of teaching metacognition in schools? Educational Review, 1–18. doi:10.1080/00131911.2018.1441127


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