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Using Assessment Wrappers for Exam Preparation

Assessment is an integral part of the learning process and is especially important during exam preparation. Practice exam papers are a common tool used to prepare for exams, but they can be enhanced with the use of assessment wrappers. Assessment wrappers are student reflection activities that are undertaken before and after formative assessments, and they can be used to boost attainment, metacognition, and self-regulated learning.

Assessment wrappers are typically short activities that encourage students to engage in metacognitive thinking and self-regulated learning. Before taking a practice exam paper, students are asked to complete an assessment wrapper that prompts them to reflect on their current knowledge, identify areas of weakness or uncertainty, and set goals for improvement. This activity encourages students to engage in metacognitive thinking by reflecting on their learning and identifying areas where they need to focus their efforts to improve their performance.

After taking the practice exam paper, students are asked to complete a second assessment wrapper that prompts them to reflect on their performance, identify areas where they did well, and identify areas where they need to improve. This activity encourages students to engage in self-regulated learning by taking ownership of their learning and making adjustments to their learning strategies to improve their performance.

The use of assessment wrappers in exam preparation has been shown to have a positive impact on students' academic performance. Research has found that students who complete assessment wrappers before and after practice exam papers show higher levels of academic achievement compared to students who do not complete assessment wrappers. Additionally, assessment wrappers can promote metacognitive thinking and self-regulated learning, which are essential skills for academic success.

Assessment wrappers can be used in a variety of ways during exam preparation. For example, teachers can provide students with a practice exam paper and a worksheet that includes the assessment wrapper before and after the exam. Alternatively, teachers can use verbal questioning or a well-structured presentation-based activity to provide students with an assessment wrapper that they can complete before and after the practice exam paper.


We've released two assessment wrapper resources that will help you to implement this metacognitive strategy: printable assessment wrapper worksheets and a 'virtual assessment wrapper'. The printable assessment wrapper worksheets are a great way to make metacognitive work more visible and to track progress when it comes to metacognitive awareness; the virtual lesson wrapper is ideal for teachers who wish to save on printing costs.


Advice & Guidelines for Using Assessment Wrappers

Here are some tips and tricks for using assessment wrappers with students during formative assessment work.

  1. Keep assessment wrappers short and focused. Assessment wrappers should be brief, targeted, and easy to complete. They should prompt students to reflect on specific questions related to their learning, such as what they already know, what they need to improve, and what they plan to do to improve.

  2. Use assessment wrappers consistently Incorporate assessment wrappers into your regular classroom routine so that students become familiar with the process and understand its value. Use them before and after each formative assessment to help students track their progress and identify areas of strength and weakness.

  3. Scaffold the process Start by providing students with a clear explanation of what assessment wrappers are and how they can be used to support their learning. Provide examples of completed assessment wrappers to help students understand what is expected of them. You can also provide sentence starters or prompts to help students get started.

  4. Give students time to complete assessment wrappers Provide students with adequate time to complete assessment wrappers before and after formative assessments. This will help them to engage in deep reflection and identify areas where they need to focus their efforts.

  5. Use assessment wrappers as a form of feedback Use the information gathered from assessment wrappers to provide students with targeted feedback on their learning. This will help them to understand where they need to focus their efforts and provide them with strategies to improve their performance.

  6. Encourage peer feedback Allow students to share their assessment wrappers with their peers and provide feedback to one another. This will encourage collaboration and promote a culture of self-regulated learning in the classroom.

  7. Use technology Consider using online tools such as Google Forms, Kahoot, or Padlet to create digital assessment wrappers that students can complete before and after formative assessments. These tools can also be used to analyse student responses and provide targeted feedback to students.

In conclusion, assessment wrappers are a valuable tool for promoting metacognition and self-regulated learning during formative assessment work. By incorporating assessment wrappers into your regular classroom routine, providing clear guidance, and using them as a form of feedback, you can help students to track their progress, identify areas of strength and weakness, and take ownership of their learning.

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