Educational resources that boost metacognition & nurture self-regulated learning in schools!
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Subscribers to our newsletter consent to receiving occasional marketing emails: these emails are from us and are focused on teaching resources relating to metacognition and education. We will also send marketing emails relating to our sister project 'funphilosophylessons.com' which specialises in philosophy teaching resources as well as exclusive offers in relation to the resources there. We will not give your contact details to other organisations aside from those mentioned below. If you have received such a marketing email by mistake please do not hesitate to contact us as we will happily remove you from our mailing list, you can also find 'unsubscribe' links at the bottom of the email.
Third-party data processing
The Global Metacognition Institute uses the following organisations, who process your personal data, in order to provide its products and services to you.
All organisations which The Global Metacognition Institute works with comply to the relevant legislation, including the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR), and are monitored and audited frequently.
Wix: For hosting of data for globalmetacognition.com & metacognition.education
Google: For statistical analysis of your interactions with globalmetacognition.com & metacognition.education
PayPal: Operate, host and provide the functionality required for our customers to make secure online credit/debit card payments.
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We use Google Analytics software (Universal Analytics) to collect information about how you use The Global Metacognition Institute’s websites (globalmetacognition.com & metacognition.education). We do this to help make sure the site is meeting the needs of its users and to help us make improvements.
Google Analytics stores information about:
the pages you visit on globalmetacognition.com & metacognition.education
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We do not collect or store your personal information (for example your name or address) so this information can’t be used to identify who you are.
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