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    This resource includes ten printable bookmark designs aimed at promoting metacognitive reflection, reading strategies, and literacy development for students aged 8-16. Each colourful, double-sided bookmark features reflective questions and prompts to encourage students to think critically about their reading and learning strategies. Ideal for classes reading a book or for fostering a culture of reading for pleasure, these bookmarks are easy to print, laminate, and distribute, making them a practical and engaging tool for teachers and educational leaders alike.

    This download contains ten different printable bookmark designs. Simply print them off and laminate them: they are engaging, colourful, double-sided, bookmarks designed to develop metacognitive reflection.


    The bookmark pack contains ten easy-print .pdf files: one page will create five bookmarks. The focus of the metacognition bookmarks is:


    • Metacognitive Reflection
    • Reading Strategies
    • Reflection Questions
    • Literacy Development


    These resources are suitable for students aged 8-16: they are suitable for any class is making its way through a book; more generally: all students in your school should be reading for fun and will, no doubt, own and be reading books - give them a fun new bookmark to encourage more reading!


    These bookmarks are ideal for teachers, educators or educational leaders.


    Site members (plan-holders) can find the bookmarks, along with all our other metacognition and self-regulated learning resources, in the Members Area 'File-Share'.


    It's a great resource because it:

    • Encourages metacognitive reflection through prompts that guide students to think about their reading and learning strategies.
    • Supports the development of effective reading strategies and literacy skills in an engaging format.
    • Provides a practical tool for promoting reading for pleasure and critical thinking about texts.
    • Easy to produce and distribute with colourful, double-sided designs that are visually appealing and reusable.
    • Suitable for a wide range of age groups and educational contexts, enhancing both classroom learning and independent reading.


    Metacognition Bookmarks (x10)

    • Focus: Metacognition, Literacy & Reading


      Main Aim: To use bookmarks to stimulate metacognitive reflection in relation to reading strategies


      Designed for students aged 8-16


      License Terms:
      Fifty User License 


      System Requirements:
      Microsoft Office
      WinZip (we recommend: 7-Zip or WinRar)
      Windows 7+, 1.5GHZ, 1GB RAM
      File Formats: .pdf, & .zip


      Printing Information:
      Contains ten different A4 printable bookmark designs (.pdf)

      Bookmarks are all colourful double-sided designs that should be printed and laminated. 


      Copyrighted by The Global Metacognition Institute (2019)
      Strictly not for re-distribution outside of your own school.

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