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  • This Mathematics & Metacognition Resource Pack is a comprehensive collection designed to integrate metacognitive strategies into mathematics lessons for students aged 11-16. The pack includes a fully-resourced introductory lesson on metacognition in maths, along with a wide range of worksheets and tools, such as front-of-book planning worksheets, back-of-book evaluation worksheets, mid- and end-lesson reflection sheets, lesson wrappers, and task-specific metacognition guides. It also features discussion generators and personal learning checklist templates to foster reflection, planning, and critical thinking. With a whole-school license, this resource is perfect for enhancing metacognitive practices across a school's mathematics department.


    We've compiled the ultimate resource pack for teachers of mathematics who want to enhance metacognition in their lessons. Our whole-school license makes it ideal for bringing new metacognitive strategies to your school's maths department.


    The download includes:

    1. A fully-resourced 'Metacognition & Maths' lesson [1 Hour]
    2. Front of book metacognitive planning & monitoring worksheets [x3]
    3. Back of book metacognitive evaluation & regulation worksheets [x3]
    4. Exercise book enhancers: "Help I'm Stuck!" metacognition guides [x2]
    5. Exercise book enhancers: metacognition extension questions & tasks [x2]
    6. Task specific metacognition worksheets [x10]
    7. Mid-lesson metacognition reflection worksheets [x3]
    8. End of lesson metacognition reflection worksheets [x3]
    9. Personal Learning Checklist (PLC) Templates [x2]
    10. Lesson Wrappers [x5]
    11. The Mathematics & Metacognition Debate Generator
    12. The Mathematics & Numeracy 'Think, Pair, Share' Discussion Generator


    All resources are for students aged 11-16. The lesson listed above aims to introduce metacognition to mathematics students whilst the other resources support metacognitive teaching practices in the mathematics classroom.


    It's an essential resource for any teacher of mathematics because it:

    • Introduces metacognition to maths students through a structured, engaging lesson.
    • Supports self-regulated learning with resources for planning, monitoring, evaluating, and regulating learning processes.
    • Encourages reflection and critical thinking through debate and discussion generators tailored to mathematics.
    • Provides versatile worksheets and tools that can be integrated seamlessly into daily lessons.
    • Promotes consistent metacognitive practices across the maths department, supporting student independence and problem-solving skills.

    The Metacognition in Mathematics Toolkit

    £19.99 Regular Price
    £9.99Sale Price
    • Focus: Metacognition, Metacognitive Strategies, Mathematics & Numeracy


      Main Aim: To introduce metacognition to students of mathematics and provide comprehensive teaching tools to enhance metacognitive teaching strategies employed by mathematics teachers


      Designed for students aged 11-16


      License Terms:
      Whole-School License


      System Requirements:
      Microsoft Office
      WinZip (we recommend: 7-Zip or WinRar)
      Windows 7+, 1.5GHZ, 1GB RAM
      File Formats: PowerPoint, .doc (Microsoft Word), .pdf, & .zip


      Printing Information:
      Contains A4 & A3 printables


      Copyrighted by The Global Metacognition Institute (2019)
      Strictly not for re-distribution outside of your own school.

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